Cult of Personality is a Trap!

October 14, 2012 Alpharetta – Andy Stanley preaches during the 9 a.m. worship service at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta on Sunday, October 14, 2012. HYOSUB SHIN / HSHIN@AJC.COM

New revelations from North Point Community Church have challenged many who follow the ministry methodology of Andy Stanley. Yet, this character shift and many others like it, open up a door to examine our own heart’s health and focus. What wisdom can be gained from those who have gone before?

In any field of study, as the hours turn into days and weeks, it is easy to let yourself become who you have beheld for so long. Some, however, will go beyond whom they have beheld. For example, it is often charged that the followers of Calvin, at times, have become more Calvinistic than Calvin. This is true in any area of philosophical or theological study. In a letter to Samuel Hopkins, Andrew Fuller cautions his friend of this potential.

This excerpt blow is from a letter written in response to Samuel Hopkins who had made observed how British theologians were reticent to challenge errors of colleagues’s system of theology, publicly. Hopkins suggested that his friends across the pond had a good dose of what American’s called “British Pride.” This pride prevented them from engaging with others for fear of entanglement or the appearance of being too aggressive.1

“I have enjoyed with great pleasure in reading many of the metaphysical pieces of the American writers; and I hope that those who can throw light upon evangelical subjects in that way will go on to do it: but I have observed that whenever an extraordinary man has been raised up, like President Edwards, and who has excelled in maintaining some particular doctrine, or in some one science, or manner of reasoning, it is usual for his followers and admirers too much to confine their attention to that doctrinal science or manner of reasoning, as though all excellence was there concentred. I allow your present writers do not implicitly follow Edwards as to his sentiments; but that you preserve perhaps a greater degree of free inquiry than the Calvinists do on our side the water: Yet I must say it appears to me that some of your younger men possess a rage of imitating this metaphysical manner, till some of them become metaphysic-mad. And I am not without some of Mr. Scott’s apprehensions, lest by such a spirit the simplicity of the gospel should be lost, and truth amongst you stand in the wisdom of man rather than in the power of God.”2 

Andrew Fuller to Samuel Hopkins (1798)

Andrew Fuller’s advice is a good self-assessment tool. It is easy to go beyond and lose the simplicity of the gospel that can be fully comprehended by children.
We may do this out of a love for a system or a personality. This bit of gospel wisdom is the power of God over the wisdom of men. May students of theology, students of history, and all students strive to imitate the wisdom of Christ. Do we love a mentor more than Christ? Beware of the Cult of Personality!

  1. Samuel Hopkins, “Letter sent to John Ryland Jr., Nov. 24, 1797,” Joseph Angus Autograph Collection, Regent’s Park College, Oxford. ↩︎
  2. Andrew Fuller, “Letter sent to Samuel Hopkins, March 17, 1798,” Simon Gratz Autograph Collection 1343-1928, British Literary Miscellaneous, Pennsylvania Historical Society (Case 11, Box 7, Folder 7); John Ryland Jr, “Letter sent to Samuel Hopkins, March 13, 1798,” David McNeely Stauffer Collection, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (Volume 26, Pages 2024-280, File 2080). ↩︎